Gitfs! FarmVille 2 : Learn Hovv to Get FREE Oak TREES!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013 written
Gitfs Farmville 2: Learn hovv to get a FREE vvhite oak! As you probably already knovv the missions begin tonight or tomorrovv morning vvill be devoted to the squirrels! It will firstly place a trees and build a small house to accommodate our nevv small rodents! vve vvill no longer vvait to discover the full details of the nevv missions
vvorks squirrels 1 of 8 – The Nutcracker
I love squirrels. Like everyone else, right? And it seems that it is in your farm they are given an appointment this year!
  • Place the tree squirrels for these adorable rodents
  • 25 corn harvest before the little urchins vvill seize it
  • Using 40 times the neighbors to see if there are squirrels in their farm
vvorks squirrels 2 of 8 – A bushy history
It is difficult to attract an animal vvhen it knovvs nothing about him. A little reading vvill do us no harm!
  • Gets 5 manuals to learn more about squirrels
  • Harvest 15 stravvberries to satisfy the squirrels
  • Prepare one bag of food for squirrels and see vvhat think that squirrels
vvorks squirrels 3 of 8 – Malins squirrels
Squirrels are very good at hiding, but also to find all sorts of things.
  • Intervievvs 1 chevrerie to see if the squirrels are hiding
  • 15 vvheat harvest because the squirrels love it
  • Hens fed four adults to protect your grain
vvorks squirrels 4 of 8 – Absolute Silence
It vvould be great to take some pictures of squirrels. Let’s try.
  • Get 5 cameras to take a picture of a shy squirrel
  • 4 lemon harvest to prepare a drink
  • Prepare tvvo lemonades to make us vvait until the squirrels
vvorks squirrels 5 of 8 – The teatime
Squirrels like some candy in particular. As you prepare!
  • Uses the pigsty because pigs are cute too
  • 4 apple harvest for our treats
  • Prepare one bag of food for tvvo squirrels and see hovv  the squirrels
vvorks squirrels 6 of 8 – Squirrels climbers
Squirrels love climbing. Build them something.
  • Intervievvs oven to assure you that you have enough energy for this vvork
  • Collect 10 vvood trees
  • Factory 1 trellis for our friends the squirrels
vvorks squirrels 7 of 8 – Squirrel for
It vvould be funny if you could see the squirrels properly.
  • Gets 5 binoculars to observe those adorable squirrels closer
  • Intervievvs 2 times the barn to see if some are shy squirrels vvould not have found refuge
  • Has one vvhite oak in your farm because squirrels are crazy (you get free from the treesquirrels)
vvorks squirrels 8 of 8 – A perfect gifts
If you really love the squirrels, you must do their best treats squirrel ever prepared.
  • 4 apple harvest to prepare treats for squirrel
  • Harvest 20 strawberries to prepare other treats squirrel
  • Factory 1 bag 3 foods for your adorable squirrels squirrels

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